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LED Fixture

Our company has been making available the best in quality LED Fixture supplied at reasonable prices. We are counted among the leading as well as experienced manufacturers of India belonging this domain. Our objective has been to grow more by improving the production capacity as well as productivity. LED Fixture is one of the most demanded product in our portfolio. So, we stay on our toes to complete the orders. Customers always find their consignments at their door on the promised time. There is no delay from our end ever as we are a vigilant partner.

Product Image (01)

Bulket Housing

Price: 55 INR/Unit
  • Product Type:Bulket Housing
  • Material:Plastic
  • Delivery Time:5 Days
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LED Light Frame

Price: 350 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:5 Days
  • Material:Plastic
  • Product Type:LED Light Frame

We mainly serve in Mumbai & Maharashtra.